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telegram Artists and singers searching for music producers

The group has 16 views

This is a group for singers from all over the world to find music producers who are willing to create songs for them in exchange for money, so it is important NOT to ask for or offer free production. This group is solely for doing business and helping music producers find work. RULES 1. Asking for or offering free production and/or composition is prohibited. 2. Any type of NSFW and/or NSFL content, such as pornography, gore, violence, etc., is prohibited. 3. By extension, anything unrelated to the group-s topic is also prohibited. 4. Technical and creative questions between producers and singers are allowed, although it will be very limited as it is not the main purpose of the group. 5. Any kind of sexist, homophobic, transphobic, racist, or generally discriminatory behavior based on sex, gender, ethnicity, religion, or nationality is strictly prohibited.

We recommend that you do not share any private data within the group. 18358. Enjoy the group and share only legal material. Enjoy your group 18358.

telegram groups   Music

Group for people from all over the world World

telegram groups   VE Maracaibo

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Neargroups is a guide to group announcements of telegram and has no relationship with the company telegram Inc. App owner telegram. Neargroups is not responsible for the conversations, contacts and veracity of the groups advertised on our website, since the conversations take place outside the web.