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┌──── • • ────╮ _ ᑕ O ᑌᑎ TᖇY Տ ᗰITᕼO ᒪ OᘜI ᑕᗩᒪ. _ ╰──── • • ────┘ _ ᕼI Տ TOᖇIᗩ. _ _A long time ago in the Middle Ages, there were beliefs about the existence of demons ... In popular European mythology, demons were human beings used by the gods to bring bad news to the people. Hence comes the association of -messengers of evil-. The only mission of the demons was to protect the people who invoked them when they arrived on earth. _Demons were also known to be one of the many creations of the devil in order to create chaos and destruction around their environment._ _The 6 existing races of demons were the following _ _1— | Succubi they are demons that took the form of attractive women to seduce men, especially adolescents and monks, entering their dreams and fantasies. In general, they were women of great sensuality and extreme incandescent beauty. _2— | Empyreal it is the most destructive and chaotic kind of demon that existed, normally related to sunlight, it was also recorded that there were few existing because of how dangerous they became. _3— | Nature it is the most common type of demons that there were, entering into this category all those that controlled or were linked to natural elements. _4— | Psychí the most underrated type of demon out there, being strongly related to the mind and emotions. They were capable of altering these in almost any being, even other demons, as long as they were of equal or lower hierarchical rank, although there could be exceptions. _5— | Incubus it was the male version of the succubi, fulfilling a role very similar to them. _And finally the contract demons, these specialized in making deals with human beings in exchange for their souls, souls that were sent to their lord later._ _In this case, the organizations were the only existing -angels- that put these demons in order so that there would be no chaos as in 1914 and 1942 The First and Second World War, also 1813 and 1991 war to the death and cold war since in those years the organizations neglected allowing those catastrophes to pass, those that were promised that they would not happen again and that they would maintain peace in the world, for that reason they made the cruel decision to exterminate all the existing demons, eliminating them themselves also in the attempt ... It should be noted that the demons were at the top of the hierarchy after the angels, leaving the other creatures ruling until now. _ ᗩᑕ T ᑌᗩᒪ Iᗪᗩᗪ. _ _Today is the society we know, that story had been left as a legend and everyone lived in peace as if nothing had happened._ _Until a mail is mysteriously sent to certain countries in order to venture them to an unknown -island-, to send them to a -school- where they would learn more about their purposes, abilities and origin, educating them for a good future and training them without no apparent purpose. _But well, what are these creatures that we are talking about? _ _1— | Vampires these beings are characterized by their enormous strength, their paleness, beauty, and of course, their obvious thirst for blood, whether of animals or humans. Notably, these are at the top of the hierarchy. _2— | Werewolves they are beings with high ferocity, strength, cunning and speed. These can maintain their animal aspect with intensity when the full moon rises while in the day they look like a normal human being. _3— | Ghosts - Unlike other undead creatures, such as vampires, mummies, and zombies, ghosts are not physical, but not bodily. They are commonly terrifying, but are generally harmless, depending on each being. Some have a tendency to chase other beings with the intention of joking or teasing. _4— | Frankesteins creatures considered as -monsters- to be undead because of alchemy, they have a higher level of intellect than that of a human being and their physique is a marvel for chemistry but also a reason for prejudice for the race human._ _5— | Zombies Common physical traits of these include pale and rotten skin, visible wounds and stains on their clothing or naked flesh that could be their own body fluids or those of their victims, therefore, they must have perfect sanity. They have a considerable level of clumsiness and their strength is very great as they lack physical pain. _6— | Mummies - Mummies have often been described as carrying supernatural powers such as controlling the weather or swarms of insects. These are knowledgeable in many forms of attack and can drain life force from mortals with ease. Regarding their physique, these creatures are wrapped in old funeral bandages that cover their bodies, although some decide to remove them, showing their dry skin taking care of the sunlight and staying hydrated for the same reason. It should be noted that these creatures are at the bottom of the mythological hierarchy just like other races._ _Another point that is important is the omegaverse environment in which these countries will be, because each member belongs to a caste and according to that each one has to comply with rules that will be exposed in this university, apart from having to live with someone unknown when sharing a room._ _Would you like to participate in this opportunity, learn more about mythology, meet other creatures and be present in the catastrophic war that will happen in the future? _ _Go It will be amazing.

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