
How to create a whatsapp group?

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       1595     21/06/2019

How to create a whatsapp group?


To create a group, these are the steps you have to do:


- Once you open Whatsapp, make sure it is on the tab CHATS

Look for the threepoint icon which is normally located at the top-right of Whatsapp, you can also find the option in the New Chat icon.

- Select the option NEW GROUP

- In the next step you have to select one of your contacts, unfortunately it is not possible to create a whatsapp group without adding at least one participant from your contact list.

Write a subject. This will be the name of the group and will be visible to all participants.

- Click on the green tick once you have everything set up.

You've already created the group.


Below is an official Whatsapp video, where you can see the whole process.